Who we are and where we came from
Kiely Meats is family owned and run since 1985. When Clover Meats closed down, at a time when job losses were a common feature in Waterford life, Stan Kiely figured that if he was going to get another job he would have to create it for himself. Along with other family members and ex-Clover staff, he set up cooking hams in a rented premises in Grannagh. At the same time other companies were sprouting up to fill the gap left by Clover Meats' closure. One of these was Countrystyle Foods and they quickly became a key partner; Kiely Meats manufactured and Countrystyle Foods distributed and sold.
Fast forward to today and Kiely Meats has grown considerably. We now operate from a large facility beside Grannagh castle, and have invested heavily in equipment and facilities over the years. We continue to supply Countrystyle but also supply many other meat businesses and multiples with processed meat products. Our product range has greatly expanded to take account of changes in tastes, and our procedures have constantly evolved to ensure that our quality and hygiene are kept at the very highest standards. In all of this change there has been one constant; Kiely Meats is still a family business to it's core!
Frankie, Stan and Willie have been here from the start, while Patrick joined in 2001. They are pictured just outside the factory, with Grannagh castle over one shoulder, and Waterford's iconic "new" bridge over the other!